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Are you a 

New Christian?

This section is intended primarily for Christians who have just been born again. Our goal is to explain and uncover important issues that must be exposed to newly converted Christians. The topics will help you understand more about the personality of God, and know what it is He wants from us as His children and servants. The topics are presented in a simple and short manner, so that the reader will find them easy to understand and retain. The team of The Truth of the Bible gladly offers themselves to explain all the topics convered in this sect and will answer any questions the reader may have.

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Our goal is not to pastor our readers, instead we do recommend that the readers congregate in a church as the Lord commands in Hebrews 10:25, and submit to their pastors (Hebrews 13:17). Our aim is to simply present some Biblical truths that are not always being taught in churches.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any doubts or questions about a topic discussed in this section. It will be a pleasure for us to respond and help in any way we can.



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